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- /*
- ** Module: Colours.
- ** Type: Function based.
- ** Author: Paul Manias
- ** Copyright: DreamWorld Productions (c) 1998. All rights reserved.
- **
- ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- **
- **
- ** This source code is made available on the condition that it is only used
- ** to further enhance the Games Master System. IT IS NOT DISTRIBUTED FOR THE
- ** USE IN OTHER PRODUCTS. Developers may edit and re-release this source
- ** code only in the form of its GMS module. Use of this code outside of the
- ** module is not permitted under any circumstances.
- **
- ** This source code stays the copyright of DreamWorld Productions regardless
- ** of what changes or additions are made to it by 3rd parties. A joint
- ** copyright can be granted if the 3rd party wishes to retain some ownership
- ** of said modifications.
- **
- ** In exchange for our distribution of this source code, we also ask you to
- ** distribute the source when releasing a modified version of this module.
- ** This is not compulsory if any additions are sensitive to 3rd party
- ** copyrights, or if it would damage any commercial product(s).
- **
- ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- **
- ** -------------------------
- ** If you correct a bug or fill in a missing feature, the source should be
- ** e-mailed to pmanias@ihug.co.nz for inclusion in the next update of this
- ** module.
- **
- ** + To be added:
- **
- ** ConvertHSVToRGB(*HSV)
- ** AdjustContrast(RGB, Percent) [Adjust RGB from -100 to 100%]
- ** AdjustBrightness(RGB, Percent)
- ** AdjustColour(RGB, Percent)
- ** AnalyseBitmap(Bitmap) [Counts colours in a Bitmap]
- ** BlurPixel()
- ** XORPixel()
- ** NOTPixel()
- ** SetPenEffect(EffectNo,Setting)
- **
- ** + If you have colour functions or other special effects that are suited
- ** for inclusion in this module, they would be much appreciated!
- **
- ** -----------
- ** 1> dcc -c -l0 -mD -mi colours.c -o colours.o
- ** 1> dcc -c -l0 -mD -mi colours_data.c -o colours_data.o
- ** 1> dlink colours_data.o colours.o -o GMS:System/colours.mod
- **
- ** -------
- ** 26 May Development starts today.
- ** 16 Aug Publicly released.
- */
- #include <proto/dpkernel.h>
- #include <system/all.h>
- #include "defs.h"
- /***********************************************************************************/
- BYTE ModAuthor[] = "Paul Manias";
- BYTE ModDate[] = "June 1998";
- BYTE ModCopyright[] = "DreamWorld Productions (c) 1996-1998. All rights reserved.";
- BYTE ModName[] = "Colours";
- struct Function JumpTableV1[] = {
- { LIBBlurArea, "BlurArea(a0l,d0w,d1w,d2w,d3w,d4w)" },
- { LIBClosestColour, "ClosestColour(d0l,a0l)" },
- { LIBConvertHSVToRGB, "ConvertHSVToRGB(a0l)" },
- { LIBConvertRGBToHSV, "ConvertRGBToHSV(d0l,a0l)" },
- { LIBCopyPalette, "CopyPalette(a0l,a1l,d0l,d1l,d2l)" },
- { LIBDarkenArea, "DarkenArea(a0l,d0w,d1w,d2w,d3w,d4w)" },
- { LIBLightenArea, "LightenArea(a0l,d0w,d1w,d2w,d3w,d4w)" },
- { LIBRemapBitmap, "RemapBitmap(a0l,a1l,d0w)" },
- { LIBDarkenPixel, "DarkenPixel(a0l,d0w,d1w,d2w)" },
- { LIBLightenPixel, "LightenPixel(a0l,d0w,d1w,d2w)" },
- { LIBCalcBrightness, "CalcBrightness(d0l)" },
- { NULL, NULL }
- };
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Init()
- ** Short: Called when our module is being loaded for the first time.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CMDInit(mreg(__a0) LONG argModule,
- mreg(__a1) LONG argDPKBase,
- mreg(__a2) LONG argGVBase,
- mreg(__d0) LONG argDPKVersion,
- mreg(__d1) LONG argDPKRevision)
- {
- WORD error = ERR_FAILED;
- DPKBase = (APTR)argDPKBase;
- GVBase = (struct GVBase *)argGVBase;
- Public = ((struct Module *)argModule)->Public;
- BlitterMod = NULL;
- if ((argDPKVersion < 0) OR ((argDPKVersion IS 0) AND (argDPKRevision < 0))) {
- DPrintF("!Colours:","The colours module requires V%d.%d of the dpkernel library.",DPKVersion,DPKRevision);
- return(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- else {
- if (BlitterMod = Get(ID_MODULE|GET_NOTRACK)) {
- BlitterMod->Number = MOD_BLITTER;
- if (Init(BlitterMod,NULL)) {
- BLTBase = BlitterMod->ModBase;
- error = ERR_OK;
- }
- }
- }
- exit:
- if (error) FreeModule();
- return(error);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Open()
- ** Short: Called when our module is being opened, i.e. Init(Module).
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CMDOpen(mreg(__a0) struct Module *Module)
- {
- Module->FunctionList = JumpTableV1;
- Public->OpenCount++;
- return(ERR_OK);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Expunge()
- ** Short: Called on expunge - if no program has us opened and no objects are
- ** in the system, then we can give permission to have us shut us down.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG CMDExpunge(void)
- {
- if (Public) {
- if (Public->OpenCount IS NULL) {
- FreeModule();
- return(ERR_OK); /* Okay to expunge */
- }
- }
- else DPrintF("!Colours:","I have no public base reference.");
- return(ERR_FAILED); /* Do not expunge */
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Command: Close()
- ** Short: Called whenever someone is closing a link to our module.
- */
- LIBFUNC void CMDClose(mreg(__a0) struct Module *Module)
- {
- Public->OpenCount--;
- }
- /***********************************************************************************/
- void FreeModule(void)
- {
- if (BlitterMod) { Free(BlitterMod); BlitterMod = NULL; }
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: BlurArea()
- ** Short: Blurs an area of a Bitmap.
- ** Synopsis: void BlurArea(*Bitmap [a0], WORD X [d0], WORD Y [d1],
- ** WORD Width [d2], WORD Height [d3], WORD Setting [d4])
- **
- ** The Setting argument alters how heavy the blurring is.
- */
- LIBFUNC void LIBBlurArea(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *Bitmap, mreg(__d0) WORD XStart,
- mreg(__d1) WORD YStart, mreg(__d2) WORD Width,
- mreg(__d3) WORD Height, mreg(__d4) WORD Setting)
- {
- WORD x, y;
- LONG colour;
- LONG R1,R2,R3,R4;
- WORD Red, Green, Blue;
- if (Setting < 1) return;
- if ((Height < 1) OR (Width < 1)) return;
- if (Bitmap) {
- for (y = YStart; y < (YStart + Height); y++) {
- for (x = XStart; x < (XStart + Width); x++) {
- if ((R1 = ReadRGBPixel(Bitmap,x,y-1)) < 0) R1 = NULL;
- if ((R2 = ReadRGBPixel(Bitmap,x,y+1)) < 0) R2 = NULL;
- if ((R3 = ReadRGBPixel(Bitmap,x-1,y)) < 0) R3 = NULL;
- if ((R4 = ReadRGBPixel(Bitmap,x+1,y)) < 0) R4 = NULL;
- /* Calculate the averages */
- Red = ((R1>>16) + (R2>>16) + (R3>>16) + (R4>>16))/4;
- Green = ((R1>>8 & 0xff) + (R2>>8 & 0xff) + (R3>>8 & 0xff) + (R4>>8 & 0xff))/4;
- Blue = ((R1 & 0xff) + (R2 & 0xff) + (R3 & 0xff) + (R4 & 0xff))/4;
- colour = (Red<<16)|(Green<<8)|(Blue);
- DrawRGBPixel(Bitmap,x,y,colour);
- }
- }
- }
- else ErrCode(ERR_ARGS);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: ClosestColour()
- ** Synopsis: LONG ClosestColour(LONG RGB, LONG *Palette)
- **
- ** Returns the colour number in the palette that best matches the given RGB colour.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG LIBClosestColour(mreg(__d0) LONG RGB,
- mreg(__a0) struct RGBPalette *Palette)
- {
- WORD Red, Green, Blue, SrcRed, SrcGreen, SrcBlue, i;
- LONG BestMatch = 0x7fffffff, Match, BestColour = NULL;
- #define HIQUALITY TRUE /* Affects the speed of the routine - should be in GMSPrefs */
- if (Palette->ID != PALETTE_ARRAY) return(NULL);
- if (Palette->AmtColours <= 0) return(NULL);
- #endif
- SrcRed = (RGB & 0x00ff0000)>>16;
- SrcGreen = (RGB & 0x0000ff00)>>8;
- SrcBlue = (RGB & 0x000000ff);
- for (i=0; i < Palette->AmtColours; i++) {
- #ifndef HIQUALITY
- /* Average quality but fast routine */
- Red = SrcRed - (WORD)(Palette->Col[i].Red);
- if (Red < 0) Red = -Red;
- Green = SrcGreen - (WORD)(Palette->Col[i].Green);
- if (Green < 0) Green = -Green;
- Blue = SrcBlue - (WORD)(Palette->Col[i].Blue);
- if (Blue < 0) Blue = -Blue;
- Match = Red + Green + Blue;
- #else
- /* Good quality but slower routine */
- Red = SrcRed - (WORD)(Palette->Col[i].Red);
- Green = SrcGreen - (WORD)(Palette->Col[i].Green);
- Blue = SrcBlue - (WORD)(Palette->Col[i].Blue);
- Match = (Red * Red) + (Green * Green) + (Blue * Blue);
- #endif
- if (Match < BestMatch) {
- BestMatch = Match;
- BestColour = i;
- }
- }
- return(BestColour);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: LONG Brightness(LONG RGB)
- ** Short: Calculates the brightness of a colour, on a scale of 0 - 255.
- **
- ** This is the original floating point based formula:
- **
- ** ret = (0.239 * rgb.r) + (0.686 * rgb.g) + (0.075 * rgb.b));
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG LIBCalcBrightness(mreg(__d0) LONG RGB)
- {
- WORD Red = (WORD)((RGB>>16) & 0x0000ff);
- WORD Green = (WORD)((RGB>>8) & 0x0000ff);
- WORD Blue = (WORD)(RGB & 0x0000ff);
- return(((239 * Red) + (686 * Green) + (75 * Blue))/1000);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: ConvertHSVToRGB()
- ** Synopsis: LONG ConvertHSVToRGB(struct HSV *HSV [a0])
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG LIBConvertHSVToRGB(mreg(__a0) struct HSV *HSV)
- {
- /* Put code in here */
- return(NULL);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: ConvertRGBToHSV()
- ** Synopsis: LONG ConvertRGBToHSV(LONG RGB)
- **
- ** Hue is between 0 and 360.
- ** Value is between 0 and 100.
- ** Saturation is between 0 and 100.
- */
- LIBFUNC void LIBConvertRGBToHSV(mreg(__d0) LONG rgb, mreg(__a0) struct HSV *HSV)
- {
- WORD delta;
- WORD max, min;
- WORD Red = (WORD)((rgb>>16) & 0x00ff);
- WORD Green = (WORD)((rgb>>8) & 0x00ff);
- WORD Blue = (WORD)(rgb & 0x00ff);
- max = Blue;
- if (Green > max) max = Green;
- if (Red > max) max = Red;
- min = Blue;
- if (Green < min) min = Green;
- if (Red < min) min = Red;
- /*** Calculate Value ***/
- HSV->Val = (max * 100)/255;
- /* Calculate Saturation. Note that if the Saturation is
- ** NULL then the Hue is also driven to NULL.
- */
- if (max > 0) {
- HSV->Sat = ((max-min)*100)/max;
- if (HSV->Sat IS NULL) {
- HSV->Hue = NULL;
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- HSV->Sat = NULL;
- HSV->Hue = NULL;
- return;
- }
- /* Note: The '<<8' is to get rid of the floating point numbers and
- ** keep the calculations integer based. This causes us to be
- ** slightly innacurate (at most by 1) but we could improve this.
- */
- delta = max - min;
- if (max IS Red) {
- HSV->Hue = ((((Green - Blue)<<8)/delta)*60)>>8;
- }
- else if (max IS Green) {
- HSV->Hue = (((2<<8)+((Blue - Red)<<8)/delta)*60)>>8;
- }
- else {
- HSV->Hue = (((4<<8)+((Red - Green)<<8)/delta)*60)>>8;
- }
- if (HSV->Hue < 0) {
- HSV->Hue += 360;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: CopyPalette()
- ** Synopsis: LONG CopyPalette(LONG *SrcPalette [a0], LONG *DestPalette [a1],
- ** LONG ColStart [d0], LONG AmtColors [d1], LONG DestCol [d2])
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG LIBCopyPalette(mreg(__a0) LONG argSrcPalette,
- mreg(__a1) LONG argDestPalette, mreg(__d0) LONG ColStart,
- mreg(__d1) LONG AmtColours, mreg(__d2) LONG DestCol)
- {
- LONG *SrcPalette = (LONG *)argSrcPalette;
- LONG *DestPalette = (LONG *)argDestPalette;
- if ((SrcPalette IS NULL) OR (DestPalette IS NULL)) {
- DPrintF("!CopyPalette:","Incorrect arguments.");
- return(ERR_ARGS);
- }
- if (AmtColours > (DestPalette[1] - DestCol)) {
- DPrintF("!CopyPalette:","Cannot copy - range too large.");
- return(ERR_FAILED);
- }
- DestCol += 2;
- ColStart += 2;
- while (AmtColours) {
- DestPalette[DestCol++] = SrcPalette[ColStart++];
- AmtColours--;
- }
- return(ERR_OK);
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: DarkenArea()
- ** Synopsis: void DarkenArea(*Bitmap [a0], WORD StartX [d0], WORD StartY [d1],
- ** WORD EndX [d2], WORD EndY [d3], WORD Percent [d4])
- **
- ** This function is used to darken a rectangular area on a Bitmap. The percentage
- ** range is from light to dark, so 5% will give you a lightly shaded area, while 95%
- ** will give an extremely dark area.
- */
- LIBFUNC void LIBDarkenArea(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *Bitmap, mreg(__d0) WORD X,
- mreg(__d1) WORD Y, mreg(__d2) WORD Height,
- mreg(__d3) WORD Width, mreg(__d4) WORD Percent)
- {
- WORD CurrentX, Red, Green, Blue;
- LONG Colour;
- WORD Value;
- if ((Bitmap IS NULL) OR (Percent < 0) OR (Percent > 100) OR (Bitmap->Head.ID != ID_BITMAP)) {
- DPrintF("!DarkenArea()","Incorrect arguments.");
- return;
- }
- /*** Clip the width and height ***/
- if (X < 0) { Width += X; X = 0; }
- if (Y < 0) { Height += Y; Y = 0; }
- if ((X + Width) >= Bitmap->Width) {
- Width = Bitmap->Width - X;
- }
- if ((Y + Height) >= Bitmap->Height) {
- Height = Bitmap->Height - Y;
- }
- if ((Height < 1) OR (Width < 1)) return;
- Width += X;
- Value = ((-Percent+100)<<8)/100; /* Value is between 0 and 256 inclusive */
- while (Height > 0) {
- CurrentX = X;
- while (CurrentX < Width) {
- Colour = ReadRGBPixel(Bitmap,CurrentX,Y);
- Red = (((Colour>>16) & 0x00ff) * Value)>>8;
- Green = (((Colour>>8) & 0x00ff) * Value)>>8;
- Blue = ((Colour & 0x00ff) * Value)>>8;
- DrawUCRGBPixel(Bitmap,CurrentX,Y,(Red<<16)|(Green<<8)|(Blue));
- CurrentX++;
- }
- Y++;
- Height--;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: LightenArea()
- ** Synopsis: void LightenArea(*Bitmap [a0], WORD X [d0], WORD Y [d1],
- ** WORD Width [d2], WORD Height [d3], WORD Percent [d4])
- **
- ** This function is used to lighten a rectangular area on a Bitmap. The higher the
- ** percentage, the brighter the area will be.
- */
- LIBFUNC void LIBLightenArea(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *Bitmap, mreg(__d0) WORD X,
- mreg(__d1) WORD Y, mreg(__d2) WORD Width,
- mreg(__d3) WORD Height, mreg(__d4) WORD Percent)
- {
- WORD CurrentX, Red, Green, Blue;
- LONG Colour;
- WORD Value;
- if ((Bitmap IS NULL) OR (Percent < 0) OR (Percent > 100) OR (Bitmap->Head.ID != ID_BITMAP)) {
- DPrintF("!LightenArea()","Incorrect arguments.");
- return;
- }
- /*** Clip the width and height ***/
- if (X < 0) { Width += X; X = 0; }
- if (Y < 0) { Height += Y; Y = 0; }
- if ((X + Width) >= Bitmap->Width) {
- Width = Bitmap->Width - X;
- }
- if ((Y + Height) >= Bitmap->Height) {
- Height = Bitmap->Height - Y;
- }
- if ((Height < 1) OR (Width < 1)) return;
- Width += X;
- Value = (Percent<<8)/100; /* Value is between 0 and 256 inclusive */
- while (Height > 0) {
- CurrentX = X;
- while (CurrentX < Width) {
- Colour = ReadRGBPixel(Bitmap,CurrentX,Y);
- Red = (Colour>>16) & 0x00ff; Red += ((255-Red)*Value)>>8;
- Green = (Colour>>8) & 0x00ff; Green += ((255-Green)*Value)>>8;
- Blue = (Colour) & 0x00ff; Blue += ((255-Blue)*Value)>>8;
- DrawUCRGBPixel(Bitmap,CurrentX,Y,(Red<<16)|(Green<<8)|(Blue));
- CurrentX++;
- }
- Y++;
- Height--;
- }
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: DarkenPixel()
- ** Synopsis: void DarkenPixel(*Bitmap [a0], WORD X [d0], WORD Y [d1], WORD Percent [d2])
- ** Short: Darkens a pixel by the specified value.
- */
- LIBFUNC void LIBDarkenPixel(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *Bitmap, mreg(__d0) WORD X,
- mreg(__d1) WORD Y, mreg(__d2) WORD Percent)
- {
- LONG Red, Green, Blue;
- LONG Colour;
- WORD Value;
- if (Bitmap IS NULL) return;
- if ((Percent < 0) OR (Percent > 100) OR (Bitmap->Head.ID != ID_BITMAP)) return;
- #endif
- Value = ((-Percent+100)<<8)/100; /* Value is between 0 and 256 inclusive */
- Colour = ReadRGBPixel(Bitmap,X,Y);
- Red = (((BYTE)(Colour>>16) * Value)<<8) & 0x00ff0000;
- Green = ((BYTE)(Colour>>8) * Value) & 0x0000ff00;
- Blue = ((BYTE)Colour * Value)>>8;
- DrawRGBPixel(Bitmap,X,Y,(Red)|(Green)|(Blue));
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: LightenPixel()
- ** Synopsis: void LightenPixel(*Bitmap [a0], WORD X [d0], WORD Y [d1], WORD Percent [d2])
- ** Short: Lightens a pixel by the specified value.
- **
- */
- LIBFUNC void LIBLightenPixel(mreg(__a0) struct Bitmap *Bitmap, mreg(__d0) WORD X,
- mreg(__d1) WORD Y, mreg(__d2) WORD Percent)
- {
- WORD Red, Green, Blue;
- LONG Colour;
- WORD Value;
- if (Bitmap IS NULL) return;
- if ((Percent < 0) OR (Percent > 100) OR (Bitmap->Head.ID != ID_BITMAP)) return;
- #endif
- Value = (Percent<<8)/100; /* Value is between 0 and 256 inclusive */
- Colour = ReadRGBPixel(Bitmap,X,Y);
- Red = (Colour>>16) & 0x00ff; Red += ((255-Red)*Value)>>8;
- Green = (Colour>>8) & 0x00ff; Green += ((255-Green)*Value)>>8;
- Blue = (Colour) & 0x00ff; Blue += ((255-Blue)*Value)>>8;
- DrawRGBPixel(Bitmap,X,Y,(Red<<16)|(Green<<8)|(Blue));
- }
- /************************************************************************************
- ** Function: RemapBitmap()
- ** Synopsis: LONG RemapBitmap(*SrcBitmap [a0], *DestBitmap [a1],
- ** WORD Performance [d0])
- **
- ** You can use this function to remap the colours of a Bitmap to a new set of
- ** colour values.
- **
- ** SrcBitmap
- ** The Bitmap that is acting as the source.
- **
- ** DestBitmap
- ** The Bitmap that will receive the remapped data.
- **
- ** Performance
- ** This is a performance rating from 0 - 100%. If you specify 50% you will
- ** get a straight remap to the destination. A setting of 100% would enable
- ** anti-aliasing and smoothing facilities, at a cost of being a lot slower.
- **
- ** Returns ERR_OK if successful.
- */
- LIBFUNC LONG LIBRemapBitmap(mreg(__a0) LONG argSource, mreg(__a1) LONG argDest,
- mreg(__d0) WORD Performance)
- {
- struct Bitmap *Src = (struct Bitmap *)argSource;
- struct Bitmap *Dest = (struct Bitmap *)argDest;
- WORD MaxWidth, y, MaxHeight;
- DPrintF("RemapBitmap()","Source: $%x, Dest: $%x", Src, Dest);
- /*** Validate arguments ***/
- if ((Src IS NULL) OR (Dest IS NULL) OR (Src IS Dest)) {
- return(ErrCode(ERR_ARGS));
- }
- /*** Get the maximum width and height ***/
- if (Src->Width < Dest->Width) {
- MaxWidth = Src->Width;
- }
- else {
- MaxWidth = Dest->Width;
- }
- if (Src->Height < Dest->Height) {
- MaxHeight = Src->Height;
- }
- else {
- MaxHeight = Dest->Height;
- }
- /*** Remapping process ***/
- for (y=0; y < MaxHeight; y++) {
- CopyLine(Src,Dest,y,y,MaxWidth,1); /* Easy remap! */
- /*** Clear off any trailing pixels if DestWidth > SrcWidth ***/
- if (MaxWidth < Dest->Width) {
- DrawLine(Dest,MaxWidth,y,Dest->Width-1,y,0,0xffffffff);
- }
- }
- /*** Clear off any trailing pixels from the bottom ***/
- if (Dest->Height > Src->Height) {
- for (y=y; y < Dest->Height; y++) {
- DrawLine(Dest,0,y,Dest->Width-1,y,0,0);
- }
- }
- return(ERR_OK);
- }